
our team
could change
the game?

See the people behind our process

Engineers, scientists, dog lovers, cat whisperers, brunch makers. We’re tech minded, big hearted and forever asking ‘what if?’ Meet some of our herd below.

Smiling person.
Smiling person.
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Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Akin Odeleye

Head of Bioprocessing
(aka Systems Superhero)

Gautier Koscielny

Head of Bioinformatics

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Smiling person.

Amy Brewer

(aka Lard Optimiser)

Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Caitlin Doran

Senior Research Associate
(aka Stem Cell Sorcerer)

Riley Jackson

Partnerships and Marketing Manager (aka Sizzle Strategist)

Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Charlotte Wilkinson

(aka Trough Nutritionist)

Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Kitty Lawton

Biomaterials Scientist, Team Leader
(aka Professional Body Builder)

Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Robin Nyland

Biochemical Engineer, Team Leader
(aka Nuts-n-Bolts Know-It-All)

Sharat Warrier

Team Leader, Culture Media (aka Full Media Alchemist)

Amy Charley

Associate Biochemical Engineer (aka A Cultured Swine)

Revati Vanjani

Research Associate (aka Noodle Ninja)

Nathalie Howe

Analytical Associate Scientist (aka Cow Codebreaker)

Ghofran Merzouki

Research Associate (aka Sugar Gum Fairy)

Ben Kinder

Manufacturing and Operations Director (aka Operations Oracle)

Marco Durante

Laboratory Associate (aka Guardian Angel)

Stephanie Willett

Research Associate (aka Pork Pie-oneer)

James Shelford

Senior Research Associate (aka Lord of the Lipids)

Pooja Utchanah

Research Associate (aka Lean Machine)

Manu Donetti

R&D Project Manager (aka Ranch Hand)

Toby Bishop

Bioreactor Scale-Up Research Associate  ( aka Bioreactor Boffin)

Eleanor Burns

Hamid Mosmeri

Kyle Peacock

Finance Manager ( aka The Philanthro’pig)

We’re hiring

Want to join us? Take a look at our openings here.

Our Board

Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.

Our Advisors

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Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.
Smiling person.